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Men are slobs; Women are neat and other gender lies that damage relationships - Kimberly Alyn & Bob Phillips

Men are slobs; Women are neat and other gender lies that damage relationships - Kimberly Alyn & Bob Phillips

Regular price R 40.00
Regular price Sale price R 40.00
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Dr. Kimberly Alyn and Bob Phillips will show you how the gender lies you've been fed most of your life are affecting the way you view the opposite sex. They will provide a foundational framework of why you really are the way you are (regardless of gender), and how to better relate to not just the opposite sex, but everyone you work with, live with, and associate with. Maybe you're familiar with some of these gender are practical and women are romantic-Women are emotional and men are tough-Men retreat in conflict and women advance-Women like to shop and men like to get in and get what they need and get out!-Women need relationships and men need accomplishment-Men are slobs and women are neat-Women are feelers and men are thinkers-Men like to conquer and women like to cuddle-Women are dependent and men are independent-Men are task-oriented and women are relationship-oriented

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