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Liefde vir 'n woudprins - Serena Steyn

Liefde vir 'n woudprins - Serena Steyn

Regular price R 15.00
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Haar grootste vrees is slange. Nou sit Maresa diep in Afrika opgeskeep met Garth Stetson – die beroemde slangkenner. Maar tog, die aantrekkingskrag tussen hulle is onmiskenbaar. Net een probleem: Maresa is verloof aan Huxley en professor Evans het haar visier op Garth. 

Her greatest fear is snakes. Now Maresa is stuck deep in Africa with Garth Stetson – the famous snake expert – by her side. And yet, the attraction between them is undeniable. There’s only one problem: Maresa is engaged to Huxley and professor Evans has her eyes set on Garth.

Goodreads 4.12

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